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You Are Being Invited To The C4!

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Watch The Video To Learn The Details

what happens at a c4 ceo collaborative event?

1.  We start with  with some great questions to gain an understanding of who

     is in the room. And we will push beyond the superficial stuff right away.           (I don't know about you...but I would rather avoid superficial chitchat.)


2.  Maximize the experience and different perspectives in the room. 


3.  Decide on a topic and garnish some fresh perspectives and unbiased

     insights that everyone can benefit from. We have had all kinds of

     interesting topics that are impromptu such as:

                   - The process to discover what new markets to open 

                   - Automation and how it will change our workplaces 

                   - What are the "systems" - that the pandemic is changing 

                   - How do you determine your pricing elasticity?


4.  Most C4's collaborative conversations last approximately two hours. Seems like a lot?  Well when you have truly engaging UNBIASED conversations that bring fresh perspectives, new ideas and uncover synergies time will go by quickly. Currently they are all done online and we take energizing breaks, bio breaks every 30 minutes. 


5.  Identify synergies are in the room.


6.  If we have time and more conversations are sparked... private break out

     rooms may be formed so we can have multiple conversations at the same


7.  What topics have been discussed at a C4? 

      - Researched trends from Vistage for the Midwest

      - Leadership challenges 

      - Getting the leadership team aligned

      - Mapping out new markets and strategic alliances 

      - The people problem and people opportunity

      - The customer relationship

      - Alliances, adventures and going after opportunities 

Twenty minutes before he meeting ends we will go around the Circle to check in on the "Ah Ha's"-- takeaways---and the connections we made. 

I'll make sure (with your permission) you get connected with the indivdiuals who attended your C4.  Every C4 meeting is a different group of CEOs.

Please understand this is not a meeting to make a sale, or a pitch. Information is good, sharing ideas is great, enjoying the peer advantage---even better!  

It's about understanding who is in the room and their adventures, some challenges (we all like challenges don't we?) ---and the discovering synergies.  

I myself am a serial entrepreneur, an author, real estate investor, CEO Board Chairman, I have a non-profit that I co-founded in the area.  That's the boring stuff...

Just trust me, even the quiet the C4's . 

Ambiverts like myself love the C4's. 

Extroverts of course love them and we keep them under control so they don't do all the talking :) 

So, are you ready to attend a C4?  

Fill out the form below to get added on to the C4 invite list and indicate what dates you could want to attend.  We'll let you know which date we assigned you to. (You can only attend one).



The meeting is professionally facilitated by Cathy "Fitz"

Connect with me on LinkedIn

or visit my personal page at

Each C4 meeting lasts approximately 2-3  hours long. 

I ask that if you attend you plan to stay for the full length of the meeting. 



Get On The C4 Invite List

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