Thank you for nominating a candidate.
I will be reaching out to them shortly and mentioning your name. It is often easier if you connect us by email and simply say...
Hi (Insert name),
I wanted to let you know about an incredible organization that has positively impacted and enhanced the effectiveness of leadership, my team and the company.
You can learn more by visiting Because this is a "vetted" organization, and one must be nominated, interviewed and selected to be on a Peer Advisory Board. I nominated you as I thought this may be something well worth investigating.
You may also receive a call or email from my Cathy "Fitz" who is the founding Board Chairman for Vistage Board Chairs in this market. She gets paid NO commission for appointing members, and there is no selling. You must apply, interview, be selected and interviewed. She is the one who will help you investigate this opportunity.
And..."I think you got what it takes and I put in a good word for you." So, check it out and look for Cathy "Fitz" who will be reaching out to you.
Talk soon
(insert your name)