Yeah! Let's Think Differently On Sponsorship
Get creative and use video, cartoons, and short messages to get attention. This video took a whopping 10 minutes to make. Listen in ---it's 1 minute long. Imagine if we spend 30 minutes on making a video!

How about an info graphic that provides information on WHY a focused, integrated, sponsorship is much more affective than a one time ad?
Make connections...
Be part of the conversation...

Maybe a graphic that talks about making your connections count- be a piece of their puzzle. Get your foot into the Vistage community.
(I own this domain name)

A variety of posting is the name of the game. Grab some interest. Also notice I use different domain names. They can still all click into the same landing page.
Recognize your sponsors way ahead of the event! LIKE NOW! Do the shout out....
Maybe something like...Shout out to xyz company...doing it right... leading the field...and connecting with CEOs...

Give businesses an educational piece on what is an integrated sponsorship. A true sponsorship program is integrated and not just placing an ad. Educate them! Give them an exercise to see if the sponsorship works for them.

Lastly, set up a link to pre-qualify the sponsors. If someone responds and it says ME! ME! give them a link to determine if they are qualified. I pre-qualify candidates for Vistage all the time. For very 10 I get that don't qualify (and I don't have to call) I get 1 that does. I spend my time ONLY on the qualified candidates and it is all done through social media.
See if you qualify answer just a few short questions... CLICK HERE